Types of learning material
Lectures - Oral presentations
The 41, 15-50-minute Lectures cover the entire field of thyroid ultrasound and related topics.
Eighteen prerecorded lectures will be available for registered participants till the end of the course. See 'P' (prerecorded lecture) in column 'Core on the web' in the Curriculum.Twenty-three other lectures will be presented and depending on the permission of the authors, they will be available for one month after their presentations or until the end of the Course. See Column 'Type 2 Webinar - Live presentation in Curriculum.
There are Manuals for 18 Chapters. These are up-to-date summaries of the specific topic with references. See 'M' (manual) in column 'Core on the web' in the Curriculum.
Video lecture
Ten chapters include this item. Here, we present 10 to 15 video clips with voice narration. See 'V' (videolecture) in column 'Core on the web' in the Curriculum.
Differential Diagnostic Tables
Nineteen chapters include such a differential diagnostic summary which shows ultrasound characteristics and specific thyroid diseases in comparative ultrasound images. It includes approximately 1,500 images. See 'D' (differential diagnostic tables) in column 'Core on the web' in the Curriculum.
Case Studies - with Voice-Over Ultrasound Video Records
Thirty-one of the Chapters include Case Studies. See 'C' (case studies with voice-over ultrasound videos) in column 'Core on the web' in the Curriculum. A Case Study includes a voice-narrated video recording in HD quality, recorded at the time of the original ultrasound examination, supplemented with relevant clinical and laboratory data, and a total of 5,000 ultrasound still images. The videos give the experience of sitting next to a tutor during the original examination, a tutor who explains what we have seen during the examination.
More than a thousand voice-over videos selected from the examination of more than 100,000 patients over 20 years, are perhaps the main novelty of this Course. Watching all the cases and videos takes much more time than is available during the course. This large collection serves as a kind of database and practice later on, so keep it freely available even after the course.
Practice videos
We provide practice opportunities in most Chapters which have Case studies. The cases of the given chapter can be reviewed here as if you were examining the patient. In addition to the clinical and laboratory data, you can watch the ultrasound video - without audio narration. Based on these, you can form your own opinion. After that, you have the opportunity to watch the case, including the video with voice narration, the expert opinion and - if the patient underwent surgery - the results of the histological findings.
Five chapters have exams. See 'E' (exams) in column 'Core on the web' in the Curriculum. When you start with an exam, 20 randomly cases will be presented from a collection with a related question. When you answered the question related to the first case, the next case automatically appears, etc. Once the last answer has been given by the practitioner, the number of correct answers is automatically displayed, and you can review the cases again knowing the right answers.
The exercise can be repeated in unlimited numbers. This can be used for practice or self-test. But completing the five exams is also the prerequisite of course' completion. The system sends us a message only if somebody successfully completed an exam, i.e., 75% of his or her answers were correct in a given test.
Case of the month
From October 2024 to May 2025, by the 1st day of each month, we present 2-5 cases with related CRF (questionnaire). You have 20 days to submit your answers. On the last day of the month, we will publish the distribution of answers to each question with expert commentary. To participate in 5 out of 8 Case of the Month items is one of the prerequisites to complete the course. Participation does not mean giving the correct answer but sending the questionnaire.
There will be two types of Webinars.
The first type focuses on different ultrasound characteristics and the ultrasound presentation of different conditions and thyroid diseases. Such webinars start with a short summary of the relevant prerecorded presentation of the related topic. Next, we will analyze 6-8 ultrasound videos related to the topic together with the students. These videos will be presented at the website at least one week before the actual webinar. Eight of such web conferences will take place during the course. See Column 'Webinar 1' in the Supplementary Table.The other type of Webinar will be presented on seven occasions. These will consist of two 30-minute live performances, each followed by a 15-minute discussion. See Column 'Webinar 2' in the Supplementary Table.
Conditions for Completing the Course
To participate (i.e., to submit the answers) in 5 out of 8 'Case of the Months'.
To complete 5 exams. Five Chapters include exam. Chapter Echogenicity, Intranodular echogenic figures, Nodule' borders and TIRADS of Section 2, and Chapter Lesion vs. nodule of Section 6. These five exams can be passed continuously.
In all five exams, a success rate of 75% is required for a completing the Course. There is no limit to the number of attempts. Feedback is only sent to us when someone has reached 75%.
Course Certificate - Advanced Online Course
This will be issued online by the University of Debrecen, Hungary, by June 15, 2025, and you may print it for your use. There will be two grades.
Grade A if participated and completed all interim assessments successfully Those who fulfilled the 'Conditions for completing the course' requirements get a diploma which Course Certificate.
Grade B if participated but did not complete all interim assessments.