How to do it?

About the course

The entire project is to create a complete, online course based on HD quality voice-over videos. The 1000+ case studies and video records are and will remain freely available without registration.

Structure of the course

Most chapters of Sections 2 to 6 have a similar structure. They are consisted of 6 parts. After reading the summary in Chapter home, it is worth following with the Introductory video lecture  and the Manual which complement each other. The section 'Courses' summarizes and demonstrates the various ultrasound characteristics, their differential diagnostics in the form of comparative images.  Cases are the backbone of the course. Within a single Case, you find voice-over, high quality video records of the original examinations - this is a real novelty. This is a continuously growing collection, this time 1000+ videos are available. To best of our knowledge, there is no other collection that presents videos in a comparable amount.  Videolibrary  is very similar to the Cases section, however this is provided first without voice-over and FNA and/or histopathological diagnoses. These are aimed for practicing; at the end you will find a link to the voice-over variant of the video and the results of FNA and histopathology. Five chapters have Exam which serves partly practice and also as exams. These can be found in chapters Echogenicity, Borders, Intranodular figures and TIRADS of Section 2, and Lesion vs. nodule chapter in Section 6.

How can the learning process be organized?

The course requires a significant time investment. Based on previous experiences, we suggest the following regarding handling the chapters of Section 2-4 and Section 6.

  1. The Introductory prerecorded lecture and Manual should be viewed and read first.

  2. To view the so-called Courses, the differential diagnostic tables can be the backbone of the further step. These courses contain numerous images. However, the backbone and essence of the course is the 1,000+ voice-narrated ultrasound vides. Therefore, I advise to view the case studies linked to the images, most of these studies have ultrasound videos. The link leading to a specific case can be found at the top of the images in the title bar.

  3. The learning process can be structured based on live webinars. It is definitely worth participating in these events or watching the recording that will be posted on the website a few days after the event. In joint video anyalysis type events, we discuss numerous ultrasound videos together with the participants. On these occasions, everyone can comment or ask about specific patterns. The participants have the opportunity to ask about specific patterns. If a question or doubt arises regarding the interpretation, it is definitely worth clarifying. If someone feels that their English skills are weak, feel free to ask in chat during the event or even by e-mail after the live event. I will answer.

  4. Case of the Month item and Videolibrary are opportunities to test your skills by analyzing ultrasound videos.

  5. The 7 months of the Advanced Papillon Course will be not enough to view all cases and video records presented in the website. Nevertheless, this collection is now available from the website, and will remain freely available without registration in the future. It might be worthwhile to review this, but time is not pressing here. Those videos which are related to the differential diagnostic tables are worth watching during the course (see point 2, above).









