Consecutively operated patients - lesion 73 (videorecord)

Previous picture Nodular goiter Previous picture


Clinical presentation. A 60-year old woman was referred for aspiration cytology. A tracheal compression was discovered by chance on CT scan performed on evaluation of pulmonary embolism. Further evaluation revealed Graves' hyperthyroidism. There were no discrete lesion on scintigraphy.

Palpation: both lobes were moderately firm, no discrete nodule could be palpated.

Laboratory test: TSH 2.87 mIU/L, FT4 13.5 pM/L, FT3 4.10 pM/L, TSAb 4.1 U/L (normal value < 1.5), aTPO 183 U/mL on daily 20 mg methimazole.

Lesion in question:

the discrete lesion in the dorsal part of the right lobe.

