Basic Course
How to do it?
Goals of the Basic Course
Learn to orient yourself during an ultrasound scan
Gain a basic understanding of the specifics of ultrasound
To be able to recognize the typical appearance of these features
Structure of the Basic Course - see Table below.
The Basic Course includes 9 chapters.
The Introduction discusses first, the execution of a thyroid ultrasound examination in the form of prerecorded lecture. This is essential for those who have never performed thyroid ultrasound. By viewing this lecture, you will be able to find out about the ultrasound videos, which is a condition for you to be able to use the curriculum which includes numerous images and videos of thyroid ultrasound. This tutorial will also provide practical advice on how to start a thyroid ultrasound scan. Due to the fundamental importance of the topic, it will be one of the main topics in the first live webinar on September 15,2022.
The other two themes are the Epidemiology of nodular goiter and the Physical basic of ultrasound - these will be presented in Live Webinars on September 22, 2022.The other eight chapters discuss each feature. These chapters contain the following sections.
Introduction - prerecorded lecture on the basic knowledge, the role of the characteristic in the examination of the nodule.
Video lecture - Voice-narrated video in which I show the appearance of a given ticket in 10-15 ultrasound videos.
Cases includes 8-24 clinical studies with ultrasound images and voice-narrated videos.
Quiz - I present 3 to 5 ultrasound videos with short clinical summary. You should answer a questionnaire related to the case. Quizzes must be completed by November 15th. Until November 22, I will present the distribution of the answers on the sheet belonging to the given quiz and give the answers with an expert explanation. Participation in all 8 Quizzes is the only prerequisite for completing the course. Not the right answers, but participation is important.
There will be 7 live online meetings during the Basic course. The first two events have been already mentioned at Introduction (see several rows above).
The other 5 webinars are essentially joint case discussions when we commonly analyze ultrasound videos which have been already presented in advance in the homepage. (See the WEBINAR item in Chapters 2-9.) On the last occasion, Gilles Russ will present a lecture on European TIRADS which will be followed with the joint analysis of ultrasound videos.
How to join the webinars?
All registered participants will get an invitation e-mail through the webex system the day before the event.
For safety reasons, the link of the webinar will be presented one our before start of the meeting on the relevant page of the chapter. E.g., see the first webinar by clicking here.
Conditions for Completing the Basic Course
To participate (i.e. to submit the answers) in all 8 Quizzes related to Chapters 2-9.
Those who fullfilled this criteria will get a 'Successfully completed the Basic Online Papillon Course' grade at the end of the course.
Other registered participants will get a grade 'Participated on the Basic Online Papillon Course'.
Time required for the course
I have given the estimated time in the table below. Depending on your existing knowledge, about 30-60 hours is the time it takes to master the material on the website. To this comes the 7 live events for a total of 10 hours. It takes 4-7 hours a week for 10 weeks of the course to really benefit from the training.
Themes |
Estimated |
Core on the |
Type 1 Webinar |
Type 2 Webinar
1 Basics of nodular goiter | 2-4 |
September 15, 2022
Yes |
September 22, 2022 | E.V.Nagy | |||
E.Csajbok | ||||
2 Nodule' composition and cystic degeneration |
3-6 |
Yes |
October 6, 2022
3 Nodule' echogenicity |
4-8 |
Yes |
4 Intranodular echogenic figures |
5-10 |
Yes |
October 20, 2022 |
5 Borders of thyroid nodules |
4-8 |
Yes |
November 3, 2022
6 Shape of the nodules |
2-4 |
Yes |
7 Ultrasound assessment of extrathyroidal spread |
3-6 |
Yes |
November 17, 2022
8 Halo sign and nodule' vascularity |
2-4 |
Yes |
9 The European TIRADS | 4-8 |
Yes |
6 p.m. Nov 24, 2022 | G. Russ | |
6.45 p.m. Nov. 24 2022 |
1 There is a learning material on the web during the entire course related to Themes 2 to 9 discussing nodule' characteristic. These include a short, prerecorded lecture, a voice narrated video lecture presenting several ultrasound videos, 10 to 25 cases studies in each chapters and quiz related to the topic.
2 Type 1 Webinar structure: Short summary of the topic (15 min) and discussion of 6 to 10 case studies which were made accessible to the Course Participants in advance (75 min). The edited version of the discussion will be presented on the web till the end of the course for those who could not participate at the meeting. These events will be mentored by T.Solymosi. All live events start at 6 p.m. Central European Time (CET).
3 Type 2 Webinar structure: A 90-minute event split into 2 blocks. Each block is consisted of a 30-min live presentation followed by a 15-min discussion. The recorded presentations will be available on the web for the 4 subsequent weeks (pending speaker approval). The first block starts at 6 p.m. while the second starts at 6.45 Central European Time (CET).