
100 consecutive cases of papillary cancer - case 003

Nodular goiter


Clinical data: A 37-year-old woman requested a second opinion. She has been treated for Graves' disease for four months. She presented with thyroid associated orbitopathy including diplopia. Despite large dose of intravenous steroid therapy, her eye complaints have worsened.

Palpation: no abnormality.

Laboratory tests: TSH 1.36 mIU/L, FT4 1,25 ng/dL, TSAb 0 U/L.

Ultrasonography. The right lobe was minimally hypoechogenic while the left was echonormal. Both lobes contained tiny hypoechogenic areas, the echogenicity index was < 5%. There was a hypoechogenic lesion in the ventrolateral part of the right lobe. The lesion presented irregular, lobulated margins and blurred borders, as well. The intranodular blood flow was increased.

Cytology was performed from the lesion in the right lobe and resulted in non-diagnostic report.

A total thyroidectomy with an intraoperative frozen section of the lesion in the right lobe was suggested.

Histopathology disclosed papillary carcinoma in the right nodule with a maximal diameter of 7 mm.

Comment. Histopathology disclosed that the tumor did not reach the capsule. The ultrasound examination was not obvious in this respect, because a small part of the tumor was very close to the edge of the thyroid.








