Case of the month

March 2021 - case 1

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1. How to judge the intranodular echogenic figures in the largest nodule of the RIGHT lobe?

The nodule obviously has both back wall figures and microcalcifications.
The nodule obviously has back wall figures while the presence of microcalcifications is doubtful. 4
The nodule obviously has microcalcifications while the presence of back wall figures is doubtful.

2. What is the echogenicity of the largest nodule in the RIGHT lobe?

This is an iso/hyperechoic nodule.
This is minimally/moderately hypoechoic nodule.
This is deeply hypoechoic nodule. 1
This is a heterogeneous nodule composed of minimally/moderately and deeply hypoechoic parts. 3

3. How to classify the largest lesion in the RIGHT lobe according to the EU-TIRADS?

Category 2 (benign)
Category 3 (low risk) 1
Category 4 (intermediate) 1
Category 5 (high risk) 2

4. According to the EU-TIRADS, should the largest nodule in the RIGHT lobe be evaluated by FNA?

Yes. 2
No. 2

5. Did you personally indicate FNA in this lesion?

Yes. 4

6. How to judge the intranodular echogenic figures in the largest nodule of the LEFT lobe?

These are microcalcifications.
These are back-wall figures.
These are comet-tail artifacts.
Both back-wall figures and microcalcifications are present. 4

7. What is the echogenicity of the largest nodule in the LEFT lobe?

This is an iso/hyperechoic nodule.
This is a minimally/moderately hypoechoic nodule. 4
This is a deeply hypoechoic nodule.
This is a heterogeneous nodule composed of minimally/moderately and deeply hypoechoic parts.

8. How to classify the largest nodule in the LEFT lobe according to EU-TIRADS?

Category 2 (benign)
Category 3 (low risk)
Category 4 (intermediate risk)
Category 5 (high risk) 5

9. How to describe the discrete cystic lesions in the LEFT lobe?

These are cystic nodules. 1
These are cystic areas normally occurring in a thyroid. 3







