
Papillary carcinoma - Case 7.


Clinical data: A 35-year-old woman visited us for a follow-up examination. She was examined in another hospital because of a nodular goiter 2 years ago. Aspiration cytology was not performed.

Palpation: a hard nodule in the left lobe.

Functional state: euthyroidism (TSH-level 1.52 mIU/L).

Ultrasonography: The thyroid was echonormal and contained multiple small, minimally-moderately hypoechogenic lesions. There was a relatively larger hypoechogenic area in the ventral part of the left lobe. It contained microcalcifications and presented increased intranodular blood flow. An enlarged lymph node was found in the left submandibular region.

Cytological diagnosis: suspicion of papillary cancer. Hashimoto's thyroiditis. The lymph node was also aspirated and was diagnosed as a benign, reactive type lesion.

Histopathology: oxyphilic variant of papillary cancer according to the nodule aspirated with multiple metastatic foci in the left lobe. There wase metastasis neither in the right thyroid nor in the lymph node.






